How to Manage Time Effectively as a Jewelry Business Owner

How to Manage Time Effectively as a Jewelry Business Owner

Managing a business is not an easy feat. Now that the jewelry business became attractive for those who are aspiring to be entrepreneurs, being successful in your ventures takes a little bit of preparation.

One of the biggest challenges that you’ll face as a jewelry business owner is managing your business and your own personal life. Some make their business as a reason for their existence and as a result, they get tired of it very quickly. While others face the risk of failing their business because they don’t spend enough time on it.

Every jewelry business owner should have a workplace that values time and manages it effectively. Whether you’re working alone or have your own employees, it’s always important to manage your time. Here are some ways that you can manage time effectively as a jewelry business owner:

  1. Make A Priority List

When you feel like the day is going way too fast and you’re running out of time to do all of your things, it’s important that you take a pause, step back, and reassess your tasks.

Priority List

As a jewelry business owner, there will always be fires to put out —whether your shipment is delayed, a quality control problem, or even something as simple as replacing a busted lightbulb in your store. It’s your responsibility to put these fires out but you can’t go around blindly doing so.

Before your mind gets swamped with your to-do tasks, take a minute every morning to come up with a list of your business chores. Don’t believe the voice in your head that tells you I’ll remember it anyway because when you’re feeling stressed and overwhelmed, chances are you won’t.

So write up a list and arrange it depending on the priority. Start with the ASAP category. After that, arrange it on how long it will take that thing to be done. Then choose whether you want to start with the things that take less than five minutes to accomplish or tackle the big problems first.

  1. Always Plan Your Time Ahead

This goes hand in hand when making a priority list. Planning your time ahead saves you a whole lot of unnecessary movements and tasks. That way, you can actually get the job done and feel accomplished about it.

When planning your time, make it feasible and attainable. Don’t load all your business tasks in one day just because you think you can handle it. So don’t sabotage yourself from the get-go by setting yourself up to fail.

Set reasonable goals for your jewelry business and as well as for yourself. Remember that you also have a life outside of your jewelry shop. If you don’t give yourself a break, you’ll eventually get sick of what you’re doing, and every chore becomes a burden. Always strive to have the balance where your life and work can coexist.

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  1. Know When To Do A Thing and When To Delegate

It’s understandable that you’re being careful in your day-to-day operations as a jewelry business owner. There’s always the nagging voice in your head that you should do everything so everything will be on par with your standards.

But the thing is, there’s only so much that you can do in one day. This also applies to those who are running their jewelry business alone. Having an extra set of hands to help you around will take tremendous stress off of your shoulders so you can focus on the more pressing matters.

It’s also a question of efficiency and effectiveness. As a business, you will want to keep things running as smoothly as possible. You don’t want to hold things up on your operation because you still haven’t done the tasks that you’re supposed to do.

So learn when a task requires your attention. Learn to delegate the tasks that can be delegated. To know which ones are the tasks that you should do and the tasks that you can pawn off to staff, reassess your daily work routine. What are the things that take up a chunk of your time that becomes mind-numbing to you? What are the tasks that are just a huge waste of time considering that you’re a business owner and not a regular employee?

These tasks can be answering your business-related emails, calls, and texts. Dealing with customers is also included as well as printing something, typing up reports, etc. Depending on the scale of your business, you might want to delegate these everyday tasks to your employees so you can free up your time and redirect it somewhere that’s productive.

  1. Create Trustworthy Business Partnerships

This is very important for jewelry business owners especially if your store is working with a manufacturer or a jewelry wholesaler.

Trustworthy Business Partnerships

Having trustworthy business partners can be equated to having peace of mind. You’re not scrambling around whenever your manufacturer is delayed on producing your jewelry pieces or you have a defective batch. If your business partners are trustworthy, then you also spend less time dealing with problems.

So it’s really important as a jewelry business owner that you pinpoint the areas where things are totally out of your control. For example, the shipping time, packaging, manufacturing, etc. When you don’t have control over those things, it’s important that you find someone who can and who is trustworthy.

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  1. Pick A Solid System

Don’t be the one to work for your employees —let your employees do the work for you.

To achieve that, you need to pick a solid system for them to follow. That includes taking inventory, shipments, orders, customer service, and the likes. There are a lot of management theories and applications/software that you can use to keep your business like a well-oiled machine.

Having a solid system in place will make sure that you can also delegate tasks effectively without you having to hover if they’ve done things right. That also goes for having a proper decision-making system so your employees are guided by your management philosophy —rather than them going to you for help when it’s a mundane matter.